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联系电话 021-51087903 传真 021-51069163 地图.
Every time I get into a cab, I always hope that I will get a driver that will give me a peaceful and steady ride to my destination. I hope that the driver will sense my restlessness and not chatter away when I am just pretending to be interested. How lucky can I get? Okay, maybe not, but you get the idea.
Panaskan oven ke 170 derajat Celcius. Di mangkuk besar, hancurkan pisang dengan menggunakan garpu. Masukkan telur, susu, gula pasir, gula merah dan vanilla extract. Di mangkuk terpisahkan, campurkan tepung terigu, baking soda dan garam.
I know you love me, xoxo. June 18, 2009 - Leave a Response. June 9, 2009 - Leave a Response. So i had work till sunday then i ended the sunday with mahjong. did around ten hours mahjong. got home 8 and slept till around 5pm. Then i slacked and watch my mars till now im at the geylang shop. Eric gave me a 20gb ipod which refuses to charge or on. He lost my texas around 100k. Okay ill go back watching my mars and sleep in the car later.
sometimes life as not endless sea . everywere I look every were I turn . everytime I grow and everytime I burn . I should not mind to mourn . Kamis, 08 November 2012. 1 bold stripes and 1 blur stripes. Harap harap cemas, antara happy tp masih gk tega sama baim. Above all that, bersyukur sama Allah, masih dikasih kepercayaan, dan harus jaga amanah ini dengan BAIK dan BENAR. Selasa, 06 November 2012.